
Monday, December 12, 2016


Welcome to the 100th post.
Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe! I have a special devotion to Mary under that title. The words she spoke to Juan Diego in 1531 gave me courage in 2014, when I learned that chemo had failed me. "Do not fear this sickness...," she said to Juan, referring to his uncle. I believe those words are meant for all of us.

I am humbled and honestly a bit overwhelmed by the attention that is coming my way because of the recent article in the NEJM. Other outlets have picked up the story, and it has been a little crazy for the past couple of days.

I am thrilled for the scientists and other medical staff whose work has been recognized in this public way. My greatest hope is that they will continue to see more and more successes in immunotherapy. The men and women who worked on my case are much more deserving of the kindness and attention that I am now receiving--I was just trying to stay alive, as any one of us would do. The authors of the NEJM article--and many others who were not named--have my ongoing and deep respect. In truth they had it long before the results of my case were known to anyone--even them.

I am so grateful to everyone who prayed for me, and especially those who shared the story with others and asked them to pray, too. In the Christmas letter that I wrote in 2014, just after learning that my case was considered terminal, I wrote:

I joyfully anticipate the day when we'll all "be amazed and glorifying God", saying together, just as the evangelist recounted, “We have never seen anything like this.”  Mark 2:12

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.